Virtual Safer Recruitment Training

Woman with headset at a laptop


Join our virtual Safer Recruitment Training, with our trained Safer Recruitment Consultants. In this training, our experts will ensure that you understand how to undertake the full recruitment process in accordance with the principles of safer recruitment and that the provisions of KCSIE are met.

This virtual session enables you to review your own practices and provides you with takeaways and applications of practical measures to ensure compliance in your workplace.


Upcoming training:

Date:  Wednesday 7 and Thursday 8 June 2023

Time: 9.00am – 1.00pm [4 hours]

Speaker(s): One of our trained consultants

Fees: £250+VAT per attendee, or £400+VAT for two attendees per School/Trust

Session Format: This training is split into four parts that will be delivered over two half-day events.

  • Parts 1 and 2: Wednesday 7 June at 9.00am – 1.00pm
  • Parts 3 and 4: Thursday 8 June at 9.00am – 1.00pm

Please note: Attendance on both dates is a requirement for the successful completion of the course. At the end of each session, you will complete a short assessment, which will lead to certification.

Upfront payment is required for all training courses at least 48hours before. As soon as payment is received you will be sent the link for the training.

 Contact for more information

Learning outcomes:

In this session, you will:

  • learn how to meet the DfE’s standards in Keeping Children Safe in Education policy 
  • know how to implement best practices in your School or Trust to help deter or prevent the appointment of unsuitable people
  • understand how to review your policies and practice in recruitment to create a safer recruitment culture
  • learn how to create and maintain an ongoing culture of vigilance
  • look at how safer recruitment fits with the broader context of safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children
  • review some reoccurring themes in high-profile professional abuse cases, how child sex abusers typically operate within organisations and its impact on recruitment
  • realise the importance of making the right decisions and how structured interviews can help you do that

The benefits:

  • Practical advice and training that your School or Trust can immediately put into action
  • Meets the standards required by the DfE in Keeping Children Safe in Education
  • Implement best practices in your School or Trust to help deter or prevent the appointment of unsuitable people
  • Understand how to review your policies and practice in recruitment to create a safer recruitment culture
  • Create and maintain an ongoing culture of vigilance
  • The Safer Recruitment Consortium accredited training to support your employees’ professional development


Meet our trainers

Staff Icons

Beth Alberga, Safer Recruitment Manager

Beth’s background in safeguarding and safer recruitment spans over 10 years. Her education experience includes work as a qualified trainer, having completed the Safer Recruitment Consortium training as well as her years of service with EPM. Beth is part of the South East England Safeguarding Network Group whose aim is to keep safeguarding high on everybody’s agenda. She is also part of both regional groups and national forums that share best practice and develop policy as part of a DfE working group, formed during consultation for the KCSIE 2016, 2018 and 2019 documents.

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Emma Jackson, HR Consultant

Emma’s background in training spans over 15 years with both small and large audiences. She has vast HR and investigation experience in Education and is a CIPD qualified HR Consultant. She is also a qualified Safer Recruitment trainer and a member of the Safer Recruitment Consortium. Emma has worked in employment and criminal law and is a very experienced investigator in both areas. Emma’s HR experience is predominately in employee relations and has specialised previously in grievances, disciplinaries and attendance management.

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