School Teachers’ Pay Award 2020-2021 – *Update*

This article includes further updates and information on the School Teachers’ Pay Award 2020-2021 as more details have been published. You may find it useful to read the below alongside our original post School Teachers’ Pay Award 2020-2021.



The draft School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document (STPCD) was published on 24 July. The changes to the Document relate only to pay matters. In summary, these are:

  • 5.5% increase to the minima of the Main Pay Range (MPR)
  • 2.75% increase to the maxima of the MPR, and to the minima and maxima of all other pay ranges and allowances
  • The introduction of advisory pay points on the Main and Upper Pay Ranges (UPR), but only the provision of the minima and maxima values for the Unqualified Teachers, Leadership and Leading Practitioner Pay Ranges